Aim and Scope
Arthroscopy and Orthopedic Sports Medicine (Arthrosc Orthop Sports Med, AOSM; pISSN 2289-005X, eISSN 2289-0068) is the official journal of the Korean Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine.
It was launched in 2014. It is published in May 1st and November 1st each year. Its primary title is the
Arthroscopy and Orthopedic Sports Medicine and the abbreviated title is the '
Arthrosc Orthop Sports Med'. The journal aims not only to care patient who have been injured during sports activity, especially around the joint, but also to improve the communication between specialists in arthroscopy and orthopedic sports medicine.
Its scope comprised the followings: Surgical anatomy, pathophysiology, experiments related to the arthroscopy and sports medicine; New instruments and techniques in arthroscopy and orthopedic sports medicine; Pharmacological or Newly evolving therapy of the sports related problems; Rehabilitation of the patients with joints injuries and injuries originated from sports activities; Social impact and benefit of the arthroscopic care and orthopedic sports medicine.
Its publication types include guidelines, original articles, reviews, case reports, technical reports, video clips, continuing medical educations, editorials, book reviews, and correspondences. Other types are also negotiable with the editorial board. All articles are subject to peer review and processed through an online system.
Indexing to database
All or part of AOSM is indexed in ScienceCentral,
DOI/CrossRef, and
Google Scholar.
Open Access & Distribution
AOSM in an Open Access journal, not for sale, but is freely distributed to members of Korean Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine and relevant institutions. To subscribe to this journal or renew your current subscription, ask a copy of the subscription form via the Office of Arthroscopy and Orthopedic Sports Medicine. And complete the subscription form and return it to us. Full text PDF files are also freely available at the website ( All articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Korean Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine
Editorial Office :
Arthroscopy and Orthopedic Sports Medicine
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Chonnam National University Medical School and Hospital, Building 5-507, 42 Jebong-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju
Tel : +82-62-220-6336, E-mail :, Homepage:
Printing Office :
MEDrang Inc.
31st Floor, Prime Center, 85 Gwangnaru-ro 56-gil, Gwangjin-gu,Seoul 05116, Korea
Tel: +82-2-325-2093, Fax: +82-2-325-2095, E-mail: